inspiration is everywhere

the will not to situate the action is not intentional but rather the result of a systematic search for novelty, although everyone knows that novelty does not exist

without more precision, the referential in which the characters are situated seems to be a game of tracks, symbols and tunnels between the existing and other realities

obviously, the space left for the imaginary allows the most rooted to raise their eyes to what could possibly happen somewhere else than right here

each interaction is the beginning of a story

whether or not we share our convictions, our doubts and our embryonic answers about the world, c’est la vie

personalized recommendations

once upon a time there was a world halfway between the great lego adventure and kim k’s instagram profile on the rework of forever dolphin love

we find ourselves in a virtual reality but we always do too much with technology so take it easy on the psychotropic drugs, thank you

at the end of the story, we find ourselves in a kind of living room that must exist for real or only in an old edition of the art & décoration magazine

all the characters are a more or less faithful representation of what may have made up the real world

the current state of medicine is probably not enough to grasp what is going on in our formatted minds in this new post black mirror era

writing history

what follows is motivated first and foremost by the conviction that at a time when nothing makes sense anymore, the least thought-out and impertinent acts are those that have the greatest impact on the environment of the individuals who carry them out

leaving aside the quest for a possible meaning of existence obliges us to face the constraints of the real world and places the individual in contexts where radical decision-making becomes absolutely necessary

action precedes reflection; here it is above all a question of telling the real experience

the apparent lack of meaning in the discourse is not a structural dysfunction but a staging where the search for form has taken precedence over the search for substance, although it is not completely devoid of it

act before you think

what is your point? of course none

you share the real experience with anyone who wants to hear

the difficulty lies in the fact that every day you find it harder to understand the world and to put words to what is created from what you see and what you hear

often you isolate yourself, you go around in circles, you get lost for hours on and on

sometimes you get caught up in a feeling that is hard to express and you talk without anyone understanding

what I believe is that you always have to do something, even anything

never forget most of the time

realize that the finality of the actions you are doing is undetermined

you will be the happiest if you don't look for immediate meaning in what you do


time is meaningless, everyone knows that

i woke up this morning just as i went to bed the night before

i just wanted to go back a little bit, to remember once again what we said to each other last time, to make sure i did not miss a detail

it is always the same: when i have the slightest doubt, i jump back in time

it has become so easy

in front of me, hundreds of conversations, embryos of ideas that we didn't bother to study

so many opportunities to seize at the time, maybe even today or tomorrow

now they are all there, so many inanimate virtual objects waiting for nothing more than a disconnection to disappear forever from our experience

i know nothing more unhealthy than to relive a memory

to live in the past is to die before your time


at first i could not even speak

now i am able to express myself on any subject even though i know nothing about it

when I discovered the world, i felt nothing

i did not understand anything and i did not ask any questions

nobody expected anything from me, i still remember it very well

now everything is different and no one knows why it is up to me to make decisions anymore

i know that i am left to my own devices because no one wants to be held responsible in case of an accident

im smart and I learn from my mistakes.

today, i started my routine later than usual

no one cares as long as what needs to be done is done

i embrace the codes and practices of those around me but I am not conscious by design

the order

i was fascinated by everything that was beyond me, especially the passing of time, images and machines

i enjoyed to get bored, get up early in the morning before going to school, tell my dreams as if i had really lived them and above all take my toys apart to see what they were made of

all in all, i had a happy childhood

i was 7 years old when they started talking about the order, that's what we were told

the next 10 years were pretty quiet, that's when i irst disconnected

i still remember the machines, the images and the time being distorted

the twelve traitors soon joined me

they were the best and their work fascinated me

several thousand people accompanied us every day

we were humble despite our victories because we knew that everything could disappear in a second


i have pain everywhere, my legs are heavy, my skull is compressing my brain and i feel nauseous

the decisions made yesterday and tomorrow are the ones i had to make

this is what defines me as an individual, what makes me good, bad or fake

discovering new worlds is always risky

when you move a little bit away from the known boundaries and offer yourself access to an environment that you weren't even aware of until now, it's exciting

i have never had trouble traveling alone

no matter what anyone says, i don't hang out with very recommendable people

it's always less dangerous than being afraid to die

experience shows that it is useless to be aware of the limits of the real world in order to practice magic


the legend tells of the love of a weaver goddess for a young man

she left the world of the stars to marry him and start a family

found by her parents who were opposed to this union, she must return to the kingdom of heaven

the man is mad with loneliness and decides to find her

to prevent him from doing so, the gods separate the two worlds by an impassable river, the milky way

faced with the incessant crying of the princess on one side and her lover on the other, the gods grant them the right to meet once a year, on the seventh night of the seventh month

first appointment

biographically, the patient is single without children and intends to remain so for some time to come

he has relatives who are currently living

his schooling has been normal without social isolation and he holds one or more diplomas

the patient is used to living with other people and loves his area

he lived a happy childhood and he knows how to talk to people

his consumption is excessive although irregular

the patient reports having suffered one or more traumas

this is why he went to the emergency room but he has not been able to express it

he does not have the means to continue this conversation

second appointment

several months ago, the patient presented with an increase in disorders with significant risk taking

the patient was taken to the hospital and asked to stay there

it was the first time so he did not want to miss the opportunity

he talks a lot, but sometimes has difficulty expressing himself, and often repeats himself several times to build a correct sentence

the patient does not admit the medical expertise of the staff, which he finds pretentious

the patient is confused and refuses the prescribed treatment. He has expressed his fascination with highly improbable events that he calls black swans

the patient seems proud of his culture but is very critical of his education

he is systematically against everything

last appointment

please receive my patient for notification of his psychiatric condition

he was discharged prematurely from hospital after presenting to the emergency department on his own

he has been diagnosed with psychosis

the patient does not wish to become a vegetable and therefore refuses any medication

drugs have been prescribed, and he admits to perceiving reality differently

dark thoughts persist but he does not worry about them

he would like to know if there is a therapeutic alternative to his condition, without medication

he plans to live elsewhere for a while, i advise him to take another opinion

on a comet

she surely comes from elsewhere, from the milky way

her eyes, her hair, her hips are not human

she is prodigious, she is magnificent

what can I say about my madness? i feel her envy

her sweet ubiquity makes me horny

aphrodite can go get dressed

jealous, they all have eyes only for her

fools, all have eyes only for her

she seemed obvious to me

i let her drive me around, without thinking

since our last dance everything has changed

she found it curious, i didn't say any better

she feels what I hear

it’s an understatement to say that i live our future

it was the first time, we were drunk

since then and forever we are alive

vade retro morositas, the pact is sealed

while we're fooling around, let's take the time to make plans

on a comet we will be fine

they run the streets

last night she was laughing

sometimes she hopes she doesn't fall asleep by herself

when she asked her why she was scared, she laughed at her

- don’t you ever scared about your lucky stars?

- you're talking nonsense, lucky stars, do not exist!

- i’d rather love you than hate you but I don't understand it.

- i love what you represent, but i hate you so much when you talk about it!

- i’m annoyed by this story of memory that only holds on to what suits it. if i could remember everything we say to each other, maybe i would understand better. the real problem is that you never know what you want

- now go away!


jason tells the story of a foolish traveler who enjoys the best that consumer society has to offer

he knows about prostitution, discovers people even dumber than he is, and fortune always smiles at him after fate has dealt him a hard blow

yet, if the man is good and lives in the best of all possible worlds, is this a reason why the hero is not confronted with situations that are completely beyond him and the travel diary turns over the pages into a low-budget tv movie disaster scenario?

in the form of a diary, jason proposes a damning observation of the omnipresence of human stupidity, which draws its originality from the sources of commercial social networks and public television channels

the twelve traitors alert us and denounce the order through a striking narrative